Essential oils are becoming more and more popular, and rightfully so. They can help with so many things, from stress, tiredness, sore muscles, to insects.
While essential oils are very versatile, and they’re used in homes all over the world, there’s another way you can (and should use them) – when you’re traveling.
Depending on the oil, there are tons of great benefits essential oils can bring to you when you’re traveling!
So, in this post, we’ll discuss the best essential oil for travel, and why you should get each one.
Best Essential Oils For Travel

Benefits Of Essential Oils For Travel
Before we get into each specific oil, let’s cover what qualities in oils give you which result, so you know how to decide which oil you want and need, even if it’s not on this list.
- If you’re afraid of flying, and you’ll be nervous, you probably need some essential oils with calming and sedative qualities.
- If you’re gonna go hiking, or have a busy day full of walking or doing something physical, you want essential oils that relax your muscles.
- To relax as much as possible, you want grounding qualities in your essential oils.
- If you’re gonna be on a plane, a bus, or a car with many people, you want an essential oil with antibacterial qualities.
- To refresh your hotel room, you want an essential oil with invigorating qualities.
- If you’re going to be outside, especially somewhere where there are a lot of mosquitoes and bugs, you want essential oils that repel bugs.
- If you’re scared you might get an early or late period so it falls exactly on your trip, you want to use essential oils that help regulate your cycle before the trip.
Now, let’s get into the oils.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint oil has so many benefits, and it’s one of the must-haves when you’re traveling.
It has a cooling scent and is known to help with clarity and the ability to concentrate. That will be especially useful when you’re jet-lagged, and if you’re taking a business trip, not a vacation.
It can also help lift and boost your mood, which is something we all need when traveling.
Another very useful quality of peppermint oil is that it can help you with an upset stomach. You can either put some on your pillow, or put it on a towel and put the towel on a fan or a radiator, to spread it around the room. It can also help soothe your stomach if you suffer from travel sickness.
Sage Essential Oil
Sage oil is another amazing oil for travel.
First of all, it smells AMAZING. It’s refreshing, clean, and can make any room smell better.
Next, it’s stimulating and it can help with jet lag, sleepiness, a bad mood, and happiness overall.
Last (but not least) of all, it has antibacterial qualities which is just what you need when traveling!
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree oil is great for so many things.
One of my favorite ones is that it has anti-bug qualities. So, if you’re going somewhere tropical, or any place where there are tons of mosquitoes or bugs, this is the oil to bring.
Not only that, but it’s great for scratches as well! If you plan on going hiking, or being anywhere in nature where you’re likely to get a scratch or two, and you don’t want to walk around full of scratches, tea tree oil will be there to save the day.
Another secret thing you can use tea tree oil for is pimples. It dries them out and reduces them, so if you get a pimple on your trip that you don’t want in your photos, use some tea tree oil, and it will definitely make the situation better.
Ginger Essential Oil
Ginger oil can help get your energy back up, which is definitely something you need when traveling – especially if it’s a more active trip or a business trip, and not a lay-on-the-beach-all-day-long kind of trip.
It can also help with motion sickness, so if you’re going to be on a boat and you know your stomach won’t like that, bring some ginger oil with you!
Coconut Essential Oil
Coconut oil is truly a girl’s best friend, as it can help with so many beauty emergencies. You can use it to remove your makeup if you forgot to bring a makeup remover, you can use it to help keep your hair shiny if you’re going to be in the sun a lot, or in salty water, you can use it to keep your lips smooth, and so much more. Plus, it smells AMAZING.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil is truly one of the most versatile ones, and it’s especially useful when you’re traveling.
Here are only some things lavender oil can help you while you’re traveling:
- It’s great for treating acne,
- It can make your hair look great,
- It relieves pain (which is great if you’re on an active trip),
- It helps you sleep better (something we all need while travelling),
- It helps with anxiety and stress,
and so on.
Black Pepper Essential Oil
Black pepper oil is probably one of the best things you can take to help relax your muscles, and help with muscle pain. If you have an active trip, you’re hiking, swimming, walking, or doing anything where your muscles will get tired, bringing black pepper essential oil is a great idea.
It will help relax your sore muscles, and as a bonus, it also helps with congestion (which is something no one wants during a trip).
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus oil is another very versatile one.
By bringing this oil with you when traveling, you’ll be making many things easier on yourself.
Here are some ways eucalyptus oil can help you during travel:
- It works as an insect repellent,
- It has a calming effect on your mind,
- It can help with headaches,
- It helps with inflammation,
- It can boost your energy and clear your mind,
- It helps with breathing,
and more.
Rose Essential Oil
Rose oil can help calm you down, relax you, and make you less stressed.
So, it’s perfect if you’re nervous because of your flight, you’re stressed because you’re taking a busy business trip, or you just have a lot on your mind and it’s not letting you enjoy your vacation as much as you could.
Plus, it smells really good, so you can even use it to make your room smell better, which will instantly make you happier and in a better mood.
Oregano Essential Oil
This is probably one of the most important ones to bring with you on a trip. Why? Because its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial qualities can help you with diarrhea or when you eat something bad. And we all know that is something we definitely don’t want on a trip!
Just be careful, it shouldn’t be used on skin if it’s not diluted, because it can irritate your skin.