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Exactly!  That’s why you should go to yoga!  


People say they are not flexible enough for yoga, and that is why we go to class!

There was a quote I saw the other day that said, “The expert in anything was once a beginner.”  I LOVE that!

We all have to begin somewhere.  Yoga is for everyone.  It does not matter what size you are, how short or tall you are, how flexible or inflexible you are, or what gender you are.

As you get on your mat, you will begin to see changes in your flexibility and strength.  It’s one of my favorites parts of being a yoga teacher.  I get to see the progress and the changes in my students.  It is so awesome to see the smile on your face once you realize you just touched your forehead to your knee, when 6 months ago, you could only bend over about 12 inches.  The floor seemed like it was a mile away, and you actually LOL (laughed out loud) when you thought about touching forehead to your knees.


Where you are on day 1 is not where you will be in 6 weeks from now, or 3 months from now, or 5 years from now!  So, go ahead, let your day 1 be today!  If you can breathe, you can do yoga!



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