So you walk into *Whole Foods (*sub any of your favorite grocery stores) and you head to the produce section. Before you is a sea of fruits and veggies of all different varieties. Maybe you’ll opt for the organic strawberries…or perhaps the freshly washed kale bunch catches your eye. Regardless, as American consumers, we are rarely faced with too few food options, and instead, often face too many.
But what if I told you there was a “new black” to eating? Instead of opting for whatever may catch your attention at the grocery store, you could shop optimally for fresh produce that’s in season, saving your wallet and pleasing your tastebuds by not purchasing foods genetically modified to grow year round.
This “new black” is actually not new at all, and is known as seasonal eating. It’s really as simple as it sounds––shopping for (and eating) fruits and veggies that are in season. For example, picking up cherries and arugula during your summer grocery haul and oranges and pumpkin in winter.
Seasonal eating has a few key benefits: for one, foods TASTE better when they’re grown in their correct season. While strawberries can grow in any season thanks to modern agricultural technology, they won’t be nearly as fresh or ripe as they are when grown in their natural season (summer, in case you were wondering😃🍓).
Another huge benefit is the price! Foods grown and sold in their natural season are available in greater abundance and therefore CHEAPER. Stores pay less to stock up on them, and therefore charge you less to purchase them!
There are soooo many delicious fresh food options, and so many great ways to prep the foods we buy. Next time you head to the grocery store, try picking up some in-season goods and testing out a new recipe!