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There is just something about getting on my yoga mat that feels like all is right with the world.  Rolling out my red jade mat is like coming home.  I play, challenge myself, and get inspired by being on my mat.  When laying in savasana, I get that peaceful, easy feeling…as the song goes.  I love to see this in my students as well.  What is it about yoga?


Last night in class, one of my students who has been practicing yoga for about 12 years, and has been working on floating from bakasana (crow) to chaturanga for 11 of those years, finally had a breakthrough in class, and achieved it for the first time.  The whole room cheered!  The excitement on her face was amazing.  After class, she asked me, “Did I really do that?”


That is what I love about being a yoga teacher.  That a-ha moment when the light switches on, or when that first success of a pose you have been working on comes to life.  We have had several of those moments in class this week…the float, headstand, crane, handstand, and birds of paradise.  There has been much clapping and cheering in class this week, which is unusual.  Usually, there is chatting before and after, but during class, there is only the sound of breath and music.  It feels like a community.  A supportive family.  A comfortable place.  Someone came to class for the first time this week, and sent me a text right after, saying class was awesome, she felt wonderful, and  it seemed as if it was her first class all over again.


That is another thing I love about yoga.  (There are a bunch of things!)  Every time I come to the mat, there is a familiarity, yet it’s new all over again.  There is always another layer.  Marcel Proust said, “the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”  We may have been in Warrior II 107 times, but on the 108th time, we find something new.  Whatever we find, there is always the knowing that we are accepted on the mat.  We can just be who we are.  No mask necessary.  There is that feeling in savasana that yes, everything will be ok.  You are stronger than you thought.  You are awesome, and there is only one you!  I challenge you to take that off the mat.  Be comfortable in your skin today.  Leave the mask off, and let your lovely soul shine through!

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