Anything you can do, I can do better!
You see the Facebook highlight reels of someone's life, and immediately fall into the comparison game. There are two sides of fb. Where do you fall?One side is the set who tells everything, and airs the dirty laundry. The ones I tend to avert my eyes from, because I...

5 Ways to Lose the Funk!
5 Ways to Lose the Funk Chocolate! Oh get real. You know you were thinking it too. And, even if you weren't thinking it, you are now. One square of organic dark chocolate is just enough to give a can-do attitude! Do something for someone else. It never...

Are you creating an unhealthy relationship with food for your child?
Stop feeding an unhealthy relationship with food!

My Morning Routine and a Glimpse Into My Fridge!
I LOVE MY JOB!!!! Did I just yell that? Oops, just can't help myself! This is health coach week. My life has transformed over the last 10 years. And, I love having the ability to see and help people who are ready take control of their lives, and transform their...
A New Year – A New You
The Day My Teeth Fell Out
I have this re-occurring dream that all my teeth fall out in my hand. I have it when I'm extremely overwhelmed. A couple of weeks ago, I thought my nightmare was coming true. I was on the phone with my friend, Kim, and my tooth fell out! I freaked out, got off the...
Season for Soup
As we go into this transitional time of year, I love to make soups and stews. On today’s post, I want to share my soup making video. Soups are so easy to make, and can be a good staple through fall and winter. You can make a huge batch and freeze part of it. Then,...
I Am Enough
This morning I was scheduled to teach yoga class at 8:15 AM. At 8:13 AM, someone came in and told me something someone had said that was very hurtful to my soul. As I tried to pull myself together to teach, tears streamed down my face. I put everyone in child’s...
Ready to Reset?
Everyone loves a fresh start; and so does your body! When you nourish it properly, it gives back to you in the form of energy, excess reduction and positive outlook. Take a pause and make a two week commitment to re-set your eating habits and start feeling alive...

Back to the Heart Yoga Retreat, Mar 27-29
Join us for an all inclusive weekend yoga retreat at the beautiful Inn at Evin's Mill in Smithville, TN. Your teachers for the weekend will include the 3 Hearts Yoga teachers, Marcy Snodgrass, Shannon McGee, and Jessica Ganly. [button style="btn-primary"...