How To Travel With Essential Oils
If you love essential oils and use them all the time, you probably want to bring them with you while you travel. I know I do! Here’s how to travel with essential oils with ease.

Best Essential Oils For Travel
Depending on the oil, there are tons of great benefits essential oils can bring to you when you’re traveling! So, in this post, we’ll discuss the best essential oil for travel, and why you should get each one.
In Season is the New Black! – Beginners Guide to Eating Seasonally
So you walk into *Whole Foods (*sub any of your favorite grocery stores) and you head to the produce section. Before you is a sea of fruits and veggies of all different varieties. Maybe you’ll opt for the organic strawberries...or perhaps the freshly washed kale bunch...

Stop the Sniffles: My Guide to Holistic Allergy Relief
At the end of 2020, my husband retired at the age of 48. As joyous as the moment was, it was followed by a tough transition period as his day-to-day routine was drastically slowed-down. So, we did what any pandemic-confined couple does––we got a puppy! We opted for a...

Why You Should Be Dry Brushing
Yes, it’s really as simple as it sounds! Dry brushing is the practice of brushing the skin in its dry state (typically just before a shower) in varying patterns that all motion towards the heart. As simple as it sounds, dry brushing benefits your body from the inside...

My New Book “Practice: Wisdom from the Downward Dog” is here!
Over the last 6 months, I’ve been working on a new collaborative book published by Flower of Life Press titled Practice: Wisdom from the Downward Dog. This powerful and transformative collection of essays contains vulnerable stories, wisdom, and...

Your December Gift Guide
Happy December! It's my absolute favorite time of the year and I'm excited to share these December specials and a little gift guide with you... DASHING DECEMBER DEALS Frankincense Oil Often called the “king of oils,” Frankincense promotes feelings of peace...

Soothe the sunburn!
Did you ever get a bad sunburn before the age of 16? All those sunburns you got by the time you were 16, may come back to say hi in your 40’s. It’s important to protect your skin, and of course, have regular skin checks. You know I love being in the sunshine! I don’t...

Do you mean what you say?
Why is it so hard to say what we mean, and mean what we say? Do you plan to say something, and then nothing comes out, or you hear something totally different coming out of your mouth? Like meaning to say no, but you say yes? First things first…if it’s not a heck yes,...

I eat this for breakfast!
Zucchini and Avocado Sandwich Breakfast doesn't always need to be "breakfast foods." This is one of my favorite breakfast sandwiches that gives me energy and fuel for my morning. As a health coach, I like this, because it gives a good carb, good fat, and a good...